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  • Views: 1560
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 20-02-2015, 13:15
20-02-2015, 13:15

FARO SCENE 5.4 Sentinel HL Dongle

Category: custom

FARO SCENE 5.4 Sentinel HL Dongle


SCENE 3D laser scanner software is specifically designed for the FARO Focus3D. SCENE processes and manages scanned data easily and efficiently by using automatic object recognition as well as scan registration and positioning. SCENE can also generate high-quality colorized scans very quickly, while providing the tools for automated target-less scan positioning.

This point-cloud software for scanners is extremely user-friendly, from simple measuring to 3D visualization to meshing and exporting into various point cloud and CAD formats. Once SCENE has prepared the scan data, you can commence evaluation and further processing right away.

Scan projects can even be published on a web server at the touch of a button. The new SCENE WebShare feature allows easy access to laser scans with a standard Internet browser.


Target-less registration
Method 1: TopView Based Registration
GPS information is used to arrange scans to each other. The extended range of the X Series scanners are used to document larger volumes-per-scan position.

Target-less registration
Method 2: Cloud-to-Cloud Registration
Cloud-to-Cloud registration utilizes overlapping scan data and additional information incl. GPS, compass and altimeter to accurately align multiple laser scans without the use of reference objects such as targets or spheres.

Supports FARO Focus3D X series scanners
GPS information is used to arrange scans to each other. The extended range of the X series scanners is used to document larger volumes per scan position.

SCENE WebShare Cloud integration
Creates all SCENE WebShare Cloud data and publishes it directly to the internet for secure sharing with different project partners.

Easy processing of large scan projects
With ist dedicated database technology SCENE is prepared to manage an unlimited amount of scan data. It´s powerful tools allow for efficient processing even of large scan projects.

Plug-Ins for extended functionality
The unique plug-in interface lets the user extend the SCENE´s functionality by installing additional apps. All available apps are available on the FARO 3D App Center.

ASTM E57 (ASTM E2807) industry standard 3D file format
Through this manufacturer-independent binary data exchange format users may import and export scanning data regardless of the specific product used to capture it.

Native 64-Bit software

Efficient workflow from the original data acquisition to the finished project

Minimal manual post-processing editing required thanks to automatic scan processing

Simple and easy to learn

New project database enables enhanced levels of networking between users

Interfaces to numerous industry specific software products
Article info
  • Views: 2129
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-02-2015, 15:02
17-02-2015, 15:02

Shoemaster 14.03 Hasp SRM Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

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  • Views: 2314
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 17-02-2015, 10:04
17-02-2015, 10:04

Caligola Comelz 4.21.7 Eutron dongle Windows 8. x64 support

Category: Cad Cam

Caligola Comelz 4.21.7 Eutron dongle Windows 8. x64 support

Caligola 4 Leather industry CAD

PORTABLE on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
To work with Caligola 4, on your favorite operating system.

OPEN to every CAD/CAM system
To import, export and edit patterns in DXF format, with conversion filters for any system or setting.
To save patterns in XML public format, and make them always accessible to every CAD/CAM system.
To import and export data in the new Assomac standard format.To communicate also with users without any CAD system:

exporting patterns in PDF format, printable by any printer or plotter.
exporting patterns to Caligola NP module that, without any CAD, can cut or print on any HPGL compatible plotter.

To send, directly from Caligola 4, patterns, comments and automatic error reports to the Comelz support server, which will promptly suggest how to solve the problem. According to the service agreement status, it is possible to download the updated version or receive customized remote or telephone technical support.

The end user license of the purchased version is irrevocable and transferable at any time to anybody.
New version updates are free during the warranty period.
Bugfixes are always free.

INTUITIVE to use and to learn
Tools and features are flexible and customizable by the user, which facilitates beginner learning and speeds up the work for expert users.

MODERN because based on last generation technologies
Caligola 4 has been created using highly flexible software techniques and to exploit at the best the most powerful and updated hardware. It effectively summarizes experience and innovation, also providing graphic innovations such as transparency overlaps, multicolor common lines, antialias filtering for high quality representation, automatic labels, piece creation facilitated by automatic hiding of non related entities, etc
« Leather industry design
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  • Views: 2004
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 16-02-2015, 12:39
16-02-2015, 12:39

Gps.Opt Optimization 7.62

Category: Cad Cam

Gps.Opt Optimization 7.62

Focusing on wastage results alone reserves GPS.opt the top position in the industry’s software solutions. GPS.opt also allows a seamless integration into the production control software and the associated benefits of using a range of perfect planning tools to layout the cutting schedule. This secures a competitive edge for your company.

In combination with TSO – the first true shape optimizer, GPS.opt increases the potential to save material and therefore money.

With GPS.opt you can decide to use A-racks or harp cars to stack the glass after cutting. The stacking method makes no difference to the system.

The stock plate editor allows the operator to modify the optimization and add new sizes manually or insert remakes to avoid wasteful remnant sheets. Normal optimizers surround shapes with a rectangle to allow breakout, but this increases the wastage enormously. TSO however integrates the shapes together, which reduces the waste significantly. The degree of nesting can be selected using parameters in GPS.opt, but the system automatically generates help cuts to aid the breakout of complex shapes.

“DXF, CAD, CNC”, these technical words are part of the GPS.opt vocabulary. Using these standard interfaces GPS.opt can receive geometric code and convert it into control code to directly run cutting tables, glass loading systems.


Waste Reduction
Easy Order Entry
Integrated CNC Code Converter
DXF Interfaces; Link to the Order Entry (Order Transfer)
Edge Deletion of Stepped Units
Consideration of Grinding Addition
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  • Views: 2152
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 16-02-2015, 12:37
16-02-2015, 12:37

Arion Jukebox SP6 ( Hasp HL dongle )

Category: custom

Arion Jukebox   SP6 ( Hasp HL dongle )
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  • Views: 1960
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 16-02-2015, 12:34
16-02-2015, 12:34

Holter Cardioscan 11 ( Sentinel Dongle )

Category: custom

Holter Cardioscan 11 ( Sentinel Dongle )


Holter Analysis for Arrhythmias, ST, Pauses, QT, Blocks
Heart Rate Variability with Spectral and Time Domain Analysis
Multi-Day Serial Atrial Fibrillation Analysis
QTc Validation Program
SAECG Late Potentials with Vectorcardiography
Pacemaker Analysis
3 or 12-Lead ECG Strips
Color Coded Full-Disclosure and Coded-Print outs
T-Wave Alternans - validated (12)
12-Lead Holter Recordings Processing (12)
12-Lead ST and QT Analysis (12)
Transferable to Electronic Patient Files
Windows XP and Vista Compatible

DMS300-3A Digital Recorder Included


Pacemaker Detection
Recording Time: 48 Hours
Built in 256 Mb of memory
PC connection USB cable
1 AAA battery
5-Lead Cable
Size: 7.3 x 5.4 x 2.0 cm
Weight: 38 g or 50 g (with battery)


Premier has redefined diagnostic Holter ECG systems: the association of a new Holter ECG recording technology and multiple diagnostic tests never achieved in Holter ECG software prior to us ! No additional hardware being required for the PC or the Printer, this new technology can be installed on any desktop or laptop that utilizes Windows XP or Vista..


Superior Holter processing begins with Premier... In less than 45 seconds the entire 24 hours of Holter ECG is transferred to the Hard Disk of the PC and analyzed. In addition to the now standard Full Disclosure, Arrhythmia, Blocks, ST, and Heart Rate analysis, Premier offers new cardiac diagnostic tests never yet provided in Holter ECG : (1) Time Domain and Spectral HRV analysis, with Lorenz & Poincaré plots, 3D Power Graphs, Medication Management, Sympathetic / Parasympathetic ratio and « Interbeat-Interval-Increment » percentages; (2) 12 Lead ST Validation with Histograms, Superimposition, Slope comparisons, 3D ST Graph; (3) new QT validation modules; (4) Atrial Fibrillation / Flutter Analysis ; and (5) Internet function for real time scanning or immediate transfer at a low cost for complete Holter recordings and reports, (6) T-Wave Alternans analysis, AND MORE. Numerous functions, either practical or for research purposes, make Premier the best technology available in Holter ECG analysis. And since modern technology is now fully integrated in software development, it is available at surprisingly very economical levels.


Multiple analysis methods include Spectral Analysis, Time Domain, Poincaré and 3D Power. Arrhythmias artifacts, and excess deviations of RR intervals are rejected. Interpolation techniques are used after rejection of arrhythmias and artifacts.


Whether using derived XYZ from 7-electrodes or traditional 12-Lead from 10 Electrodes, 3 and 12-Lead ECG strips can be printed from any time during the 48 hours Holter recording. The quantity of ECG strips generated is unlimited. An 8 seconds 12-Lead ECG strip covers a full A4 format page. 3 ECG strips of 3 Leads each are printed on one.

DMSoftware Premier Holter Software Comparisons:

Some of the features our Holter system offers (that we invite you to compare with any other Holter system on the market) are as follows:
Article info
  • Views: 7899
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 16-02-2015, 12:31
16-02-2015, 12:31

DDX EasyStone 4.6a7 ( Eutron Smartkey Dongle )

Category: Cad Cam

DDX EasyStone 4.6a7  ( Eutron Smartkey Dongle )

EasySTONE is the ideal CAD/CAM for marble and similar materials working industry by numerically controlled machining centres.

EasySTONE is:

colums, vanity and kitchen tops;
bas - Reliefs;
funeral Art;
3D Modeling;
DXF, IGES, STL, PNT and RHINO (3DM) Import;
slab lifter management;
lathe management;
nesting true shape;
3D simulation;
collision detecion;
virtual milling;
slab import from digital cameras.

EasySTONE is complete and fully manages the stone processing avoiding purchase, maintenance, training costs for other additional products: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation.

EasySTONE, linked to DDXNest, manages geometric shapes nesting both interactive and automatic.
EasySTONE, linked to DDXPhoto, imports pictures of slabs from digital cameras.

EasySTONE is structured into four different steps: Design, Tools and Machining Management, Table and Pieces Disposition, NC-Code Generation.

1. Design
With EasySTONE it is possible to design free geometrical entities and to design from predefined parametric models (libraries): vanity tops, kitchen tops, openings, tables, etc. EasySTONE imports 2D and 3D standard formats: DXF, IGES, STL and RHINO (3DM) and allows surface definition by laser scanning (point file). The software imports grayscale images and makes Z-Map, vectorization or polymesh. EasySTONE includes 3D view and photo-realistic rendering of the project and the interactive modification and elaboration of designs thanks to the function cut, extend, split, join, interpolate, copy, move, mirror, rotate, delete, etc.

2. Tools and Machining Management

EasySTONE manages profiled tools, tool holders and aggregates in order to provide a realistic representation of the CNC and to ensure more precision during the machinig. Raw pieces can be defined according to Customer's needs and 3, 4, 5 axis machining can be associated: roughing and surface finishing cycle, drilling, finishing, profiling, empting cycles. EasySTONE allows machinings and drilling paths optimization. Furthermore EasySTONE manages roughing optimization considering rough pieces obtained from previous machinings.
EasySTONE manages interpolated and continuous lathe and probing.

3. Table and Pieces Disposition
EasySTONE makes the woodworking process smoother and automatically position pieces and subpieces on the bench. Users can arrange, on the machine table, one or more pieces and relatives sub-pieces (modules, vacuum-pods, vices, references, etc.) with 3D view. Thanks to the customized table it is possible to control every possible interferences between subpieces and machinigs.

4. 3D Simulation and NC Code generation

During the last step EasySTONE calculates automatically machining time, length and costs. 3D simulation of the machining process, idling included, is realistic because it shows the 3D model of the machining centre, of the table, tools, motors, sub-pieces and of the workpiece.

Furthermore EasySTONE allows 3D collision detection between machinings and pieces, subpieces and tools. The automatic collision detection module reduces testing, ensures less material and power consumption and consequently respects the environment. In the end EasySTONE generates part programs and send them directly to the NC centre of the Customer.

Version: 6.1

Latest Release: l3 32bit l3 64bit

Download Demo Version

Compare versions


EasySTONE Info sheet

EasySTONE versions and functions
Article info
  • Views: 1149
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 14-02-2015, 11:00
14-02-2015, 11:00

TRITON Isis® SS-Logger™ ( Sentinel SuperPro Dongle )

Category: custom

TRITON Isis® SS-Logger™  ( Sentinel SuperPro Dongle )

Isis® SS-Logger is Triton's data acquisiton software for traditional sidescan and SAS sonars and is included in the Isis® Offshore-SS product package. Triton's SS-Logger™ continues to be the most advanced sidescan sonar acquisition software available today. The easy-to-use, extensively field tested core components of Isis® form the basis of Isis® SS-Logger™, including servers to most sidescan sonars on the market today. The software is fully flexible and adaptable as new survey requirements SS-Logger™ integrates external sensors including GPS & gyros and correctly logs arise. Isis® and geo-references sonar imagery into XTF files. The current version of Isis® SS-Logger™ will work under Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

Presented below are some of the tools available in
Isis® SS-Logger™:
Sonar Software Interface

Included with the purchase of SS-Logger is an analog or digital sonar software interface for real time sonar control during data acquisition. Software interfaces are available for most sidescan sonars on the market. Note that this is only a software interface and any hardware needed to connect to the sonar should be provided by the sonar manufacturer.
Bottom Tracking

The bottom tracking utility allows users to track the water bottom when there is no altimeter information available. Bottom tracking can be performed using a gradient or amplitude method, by setting a constant value for the depth to the seafloor, or by manually clicking in the waterfall display.
Real-time TVG

The TVG and Balance utility allows the user to correct for signal loss due to attenuation in the water column. TVG curves can be generated manually by the user or in AUTO mode the utility will update the curve on a ping by ping basis to keep a uniform greyscale balance.
The balance option allows the user to normalize the display to adjust for one channel being darker than another, while also looking at pixel balance to level out the across track signal and eliminate striping in the image.
ASCII Reports

ASCII Reporting allows the export of information from any field within the XTF file during acquisition or replay. Export of information can be based on intervals of Time, Distance, or Pings . Data may be exported to a dialog box, through a serial port (for registration on an external navigation system), or to an ASCII file. An essential module for organizations that require detailed survey reports.
Snip File

In playback mode, Isis SS-Logger allows the user to create a new XTF file from a selected portion of the original data file. This is very useful for AUV data that includes lines turns and the descent and ascent of the vehicle.

The printing option of Isis SS-Logger allows the on-line or off-line creation of hard copy records of the sonar data. A number of thermal printers are supported including Alden, EPC, Oyo, TDU, Ultra, Waverly, and ISYS. Options are available for a variety of annotations including Event marks. Printed records may be corrected for speed and slant range.
Coverage Map

Coverage Map is used for tracking survey progress, monitoring overlap between survey lines and for smoothing navigation before mosaicing (in Isis or TritonMap).
TargetPro (optional)

Triton TargetPro™ is an image processing and analysis application linked to Isis® SS-Logger™. Targets are captured from the Isis® SS-Logger™ waterfall window in real-time during acquisition or in playback mode. Numerous image processing options are available for enhancing the feature of interest. Length, width, and height measurements may be made, with all results exportable in a variety of ASCII formats. The data can be geocoded to create mini-mosaics that are exportable as GeoTIFF files.
MosaicPro (optional)

MosaicPro is Triton's low cost mosaicing option that creates a mosaic in Coverage Map through playback of XTF files in Isis SS-Logger. Lines may be moved relative to one-another and displayed in either “cover-up” or “shine-through” mode. The processed mosaic can be exported as a GeoTiff file.
SS-MosaicRT (optional)

SS-MosaicRT™ produces a real-time mosaic that greatly increases survey productivity. The mosaic is created as the survey proceeds with each survey line displayed in correct orientation to the others. Lines may be overlain on navigation charts or other background information that may be available in GIS format. Contours, navigation hazards, or contacts may also be displayed on the mosaic image. This capability allows survey operators to monitor the quality and coverage of the sonar data and alter the survey plan to ensure full coverage or gather more data on a feature of interest.