» » InvenTex CAD – Production Preparation Computer System ( Angel Key )
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  • Views: 1746
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 28-07-2015, 08:19
28-07-2015, 08:19

InvenTex CAD – Production Preparation Computer System ( Angel Key )

Category: Cad Cam

InvenTex CAD – Production Preparation Computer System ( Angel Key )

Easy and well ordered management over the models and the patterns. Customized data categorization, filtering, etc.
Precise and mistake-free models and patterns by digital processing under control of computer system
Digital grading gives at garment production possibility to operate with almost unlimited range of sizes. To grade a model within 10 or 100 sizes makes not a big time difference. Having a big range of sizes, we can process “made to measure” alike, higher profitable production. This is never possible with manual working methods
Minimization of fabrics consumption. Intelligent Master Marker makes top efficient markers within minutes
Higher, stable products quality thanks to supply always right shape cut elements from cutting to sewing room
Shortest training and start-up time. Unmatched high savings on fabrics and time during subsequent every day operation
System and interface wide customization capable, according to individual user necessities or preferences
Highest security and integrality of all data concerned to models, patterns and markers by using SQL database technology
Multi-operator environment – unlimited operators connected to one SQL database, are always served with actual data
Data interchange with all other professional CAD systems, cooperation with all known digitizers, plotters, cutters
Return of investment at the shortest time – continuous, extra profits obtained and collected during long-term use

InvenTex CAD – up-to-date computer system for designing and preparing products at the garment, upholstery and every other textile branches production. InvenTex CAD handles a complex design of 2D patterns: digitalization of just existing (often paper/cardboard made) patterns, complete design and modelling of pattern shapes, advanced patterns grading in case of garment (then with capability to operate with unlimited set of sizes), generation of the markers consisting of the choosen patterns, with ability of intelligent, automatic nesting in purpose to make top efficient patterns placement on the defined surface, in purpose to minimizing fabric/material consumption. InvenTex generates marker files for printing on plotters and generates marker files for automatic cutting on numerical controlled cnc cutters. Top modern, user-friendly operator interface, up-to-date management over the all products, plenty of operational functions - all it gives a pleasant and efficient working environment.
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