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  • Views: 1757
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:26
15-08-2016, 08:26


Category: custom


etta är vårt mest populära, och också det mest kompletta, programmet för att registrera och dokumentera enligt både den "gamla" standarden SS 455 12 01-38 eller den "nya" standarden SS 455 12 01 Utgåva 6.

Detta program kan levereras i alla tre typer av licenser: Singellicens, Objektslicens och Nätverkslicens, se här om licenstyper.

Det finns två extra moduler till detta program. Den första är ett tittare program och för det andra, finns det en modul för att hantera telefon anknytningar. Bägge dessa ingår i Objektslicensen.

För mer information ladda gärna hem vårat prospekt i PDF-format »
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  • Views: 875
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:25
15-08-2016, 08:25

EPLAN Engineering Configuration Hardlock Dongle

Category: custom

EPLAN Engineering Configuration Hardlock Dongle

The use of EPLAN Engineering Configuration One (EEC One) is the first step on the road towards automation. In electrical and fluid engineering pre-defined standards such as circuit board elements or value sets are automatically collated into a wiring diagram based on Excel, thus simplifying machine design. In control cabinet and switchgear engineering, in EEC One combined with EPLAN Pro Panel, predefined 3D assembly layouts and more flexible control systems have reduced the time needed for the virtual configuration and assembly of mounting levels in control cabinets. Customers striving to standardise processes and data in engineering will benefit from this automation over the long term.
A solid foundation

The designer can already start with automation when the EPLAN Platform is used. In the CAE system project templates, partial circuits (macros) or reports can be structured. Once the standards such as value sets of a motor output or the terminals used have been defined, EEC One comes into play. Individually developed project standards can be combined in spreadsheet form via an MS Excel front-end. Selection is facilitated by the integrated macro preview, which displays variants comfortably. The selected macros can be integrated in the spreadsheet by dragging-and-dropping. Decisive practical advantage: The macros automatically include their freely configurable parameters in the MS Excel front-end. Furthermore, extensive sets of rules can be created in MS Excel – thus avoiding the tedious work of entering the parameters manually. The design guidelines created in the process ensure maximum transparency and top quality in the schematics. Electrical or fluid schematics can thus be generated automatically at the click of a button. Companies profit three-fold from this automation strategy: Standards are created once in high quality; sets of rules secure the know-how centrally and automation of the documentation reduces the lead times considerably.
Article info
  • Views: 1812
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:20
15-08-2016, 08:20

GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle

Category: custom

GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle
GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle
GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle
GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle
GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle
GE MARS 7.2 Sentinel Dongle

To help physicians combat the alarming incidence of sudden
cardiac death (SCD), two GE-exclusive algorithms are emerging as
erful cardiac risk stratification tools. Both provide additional
diac information – yet r
e no additional time, protocols
or electrodes.
The Marquette T-Wave Alternans analysis program precisely
detects fluctuations in the ECG waveform, identifying an often
missed pattern v
ariation that can indicate SCD risk
. The pr
of T-w
e alternans can help clinicians mak
e earlier tr
decisions, such as whether a defibrillator should be implanted.
And the Mar
quette Hear
t Rate T
urbulence analysis pr
measures and compares the heart rate before and after pre-
ventricular contractions. These comparisons are then used to
determine the status of a patient’s autonomic nervous system,
which is indicative of cardiac health – and thus, predictive for SCD.
Two breakthrough algorithms. Running simultaneously during
d ambulator
y ECG testing. Added to an already compre-
hensive toolset of trusted Marquette Holter analysis programs:
• EK-Pro

• Atrial Fibrillation Detection
• QT Interval Measurement

ST Segment Measurement
• Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
• Pacemaker Analysis
The r
esult is a wealth of detailed, accurate cardiac information.
For greater diagnostic confidence. And better decision support .
ou can’t beat that
Article info
  • Views: 1104
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:17
15-08-2016, 08:17

AX3000 2014

Category: Cad Cam

AX3000 2014

AX3000 Allplan, AutoCad, Revit ve BricsCad platformlarında kullanabileceğiniz entegre bir çözümdür.
Bina Mekanik Tesisatı ile ilgili tüm ihtiyaçlarınız Tek Yazılımda

AX3000, Sıhhi Tesisat, Isıtma, Havalandırma, Soğutma ve Elektrik Tesisatı ile ilgili tüm hesap ve planlama ihtiyacınız için zaman kazandıran entegre bir çözümdür.
Tümleşik kullanımı, akıllı çizim elemanları ve çok seçenekli otomatik hesaplama imkanları sayesinde planlama zamanınızı en verimli şekilde kullanmanızı sağlar.
AX3000’in Bina Tesisatı çözümünde lider konuma gelmesi CAD pazarındaki 25 yıllık deneyimin sonucudur.
AX3000 Mekanik ve Elektrik Tesisatı ile ilgili ihtiyaçlarınız için
geliştirilmiş ilk CAD yazılımıdır ve işinizde projelendirmeden konstrüksiyona ve uygulamaya kadar tüm ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılar.
AX3000’deki modüler yapı sayesinde Sıhhi Tesisat , Isıtma, Havalandırma ve Elektrik tesisatı için çok seçenekli özel çözümler üretebilirsiniz.

Siz bir kere yazılımda çalışmaya başlayın, tümleşik kullanım sayesinde ileri safhalara kolayca geleceksiniz.

Sıhhi Tesisat ve Isıtma:

AX3000’ deki Sıhhi Tesisat ve Istma modülleriyle çok karmaşık ve büyük projelerin tesisat hesap ve planlamasını kolaylıkla yapabilirsiniz.
AX3000’ deki planlamanın temeli otomatik borulama hesabına dayanır ve şartnameye bağlı olarak otomatik kritik devreyi hesaplamasını gerçekleşir.
sırasında AX3000 bir çok farklı otomatik teknik özellikleri de kullanır.

Havalandırma Modülü tesisatınızın detaylı Montaj ve Uygulama planlarını kolaylıkl oluşturmanıza yarayan bir araçtır.
Çap girişi, hacim miktarı veya Direnç(R)-Değerini kullanarak seçenekli boyutlandırma imkanı sunar.
Tesisat sistemi için gerekli tüm veriler otomatik kaydedildiği için her an geri çağırıp değiştirme imkanı mevcuttur.

Soğutma Modülü:
Soğutma Yükü Hesabı modülü EN 13790 Basit Saatlik Hesaplama Yöntemine göre çalışır, BEP Yönetmeliğindeki Türkiye illerinin saatlik iklim verilerini kullanır.

Sprinkler Modülü:
TS ve DIN Standartına göre çizim ve hesabı, konstrüksiyonu ve raporların elde edilmesi imkanı sağlar.


Elektrik Modülü size karmaşık elektrik tesisatı ihtiyaçlarınız ile ilgili hızlı planlama ve hesaplama
imkanı sunar.
Ayrıca otomatik olarak oluşturulmuş akım devresi ve bağlantılı akım devre listesi, kablo ve yapı elemanları ile sistemdeki kablo hat hesabını elde edersiniz.

Bina Simülasyonu:

Bu modül dinamik Bina Simülasyonu oluşturmanıza yarayan bir yazılımdır.
Article info
  • Views: 1913
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:43
21-03-2016, 11:43

MCOSMOS 3.3 Wibu Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

MCOSMOS 3.3  Wibu Dongle

MCOSMOS CMM Software Suite

Mitutoyo’s MCOSMOS modular suite of CMM software is available in three versions to meet the simplest to the most complex measurement and analysis needs in an economical way. MCOSMOS1 contains the modules needed for handling basic measurement and part-program creation while offering powerful gear analysis options. MCOSMOS2 extends the capabilities to online/offline part-program creation directly from a CAD model, and MCOSMOS3 further extends geometry handling to freeform surfaces, with an aerofoil option if required.

Modules can be added to MCOSMOS1/2 at any time to extend the class of work handling as needed, thus ensuring your investment in software is limited to only those capabilities actually required at any one time.
Article info
  • Views: 2204
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:41
21-03-2016, 11:41

Carrier ComfortVIEW Sentinel Dongle

Category: custom

Carrier ComfortVIEW  Sentinel Dongle
Carrier ComfortVIEW  Sentinel Dongle

ComfortVIEW (part number CEAS130420) is Carrier
Corporation's mid-range human interface to the Carrier
Comfort Network (CCN). ComfortVIEW provides the
tools for monitoring, configuring, and analyzing your
facility's daily HVAC operations.
The software is designed to run on a variety of micro-
computers utilizing either the Microsoft


or 98 operating system.
The following applications and features are included
with the standard ComfortVIEW product offering:
• Single Local/Single Remote CCN — Control and
monitoring of one locally-connected CCN and one
remote CCN, accessed by CCN Autodial Gateway,
TeLINK, NAM, or modem.
• Carrier Network Manager — This application, through
the use of branching tree structure displays (similar to
those in the Windows Explorer) shows you the CCNs,
areas, controllers, and tables that make up your
ComfortVIEW database.
• Alarm Manager — This application gives you the
ability to view and acknowledge incoming alarms,
regardless of the application that you have running on
your computer.
• Setup — You use this application to add, modify, and
delete ComfortVIEW operators, and to specify global
system-type parameters such as engineering units,
and time of day for automatic report data retrieval.
• Help — A full complement of Windows-style help is
included in the standard ComfortVIEW product.
The following applications and features are available
optionally, installed at the time of installation:
• Multiple Remote CCNs — Control and monitoring of
multiple remote CCNs, accessed by CCN Autodial
Gateway, TeLINK, NAM, or modem.
• WorkSPACE Manager — This application allows you
to create customized graphic displays of data and
save them as WorkSPACEs. You can also create
dynamic trend plots of data.
• Report Panel — This application gives you the ability
to create consumable, runtime, history, tenant billing,
and system activity reports.
• BEST++ — This application gives you access to
Carrier's Building Environmental System Translator
(BEST++) custom controller programming language.
ComfortVIEW provides an environment from which you
can easily perform the following tasks:
• Display dynamic data in both text and graphic modes
• Create dynamic trend plots of data from one or
multiple controllers
• View, print, and acknowledge alarms from the
• Configure operating parameters such as time
schedules, setpoints, and point configuration
• View and configure time and setpoint schedules in
graphic and tabular mode
• Downline load data to and upline load data from
• Override the state or value of selected input and
output points
• Verify active controllers
• Customize graphics and create custom links from
graphic to graphic
• Generate reports from system data and activity
• Create custom WorkSPACEs for each user
Article info
  • Views: 1370
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:39
21-03-2016, 11:39

Nicolet EEG Amplifiers Sentinel Dongle

Category: custom

Nicolet  EEG Amplifiers  Sentinel Dongle
Nicolet  EEG Amplifiers  Sentinel Dongle
Nicolet  EEG Amplifiers  Sentinel Dongle

Nicolet's trusted line of innovative amplifiers allow you to capture brain wave activity, electroencephalography, with hassle free, reliable equipment that increases flexibility of your applications. Our newest addition to the family is the Nicolet Wireless Amplifier.

Our complete line of amplifiers include:

Nicolet v32 EEG Amplifier
Excellent noise specs, cost effective, built to be a low cost amp with great specs, high quality signal for lower price. Connects to oximeter by cable so records SpO2 using the xpod cable, 32 channels.

Glow-in-the-dark overlays
Integrates with the vEEG System

Nicolet v44 EEG Amplifier

Nicolet v44 EEG amplifier with built-in DC functionality
32 isolated channels (9 Bipolar)
12 high level analog DC inputs
Built-in NONIN pulse oximetry (requires sensor) records SpO2 and Pleth
Glow-in-the-dark overlays for easy viewing in low light levels
Excellent noise levels and specs
Integrates with the Nicolet Sleep application software for easy and efficient performance of Sleep Studies

Nicolet EEG Wireless Amplifier
The much anticipated wireless amplifier unit is big on performance and flexibility, but compact in size. This multi-faceted platform consolidates many features into a single multi-function unit. This enables a variety of clinical EEG, ICU Brain Monitoring, Sleep (PSG) and Epilepsy Long Term Monitoring (LTM) studies in ambulatory, clinical and research settings.

Nicolet EEG CSeries amplifiers
C64 OR and C64 OR/SSU Amplifier
Two amplifiers may be linked to electronically select 128 channels and can be used for routine LTM Monitoring, interoperative OR, and enhancing the LTM monitoring of grid and strip electrodes.

Designed for intracranial LTM grid/strip electrodes, Subdermal needles, OR and ICU Applications.
Redesign of touch proof connectors for improved spacing
Inductors provide patient protection from electrocautery
Single unit composed of C64 OR amplifier and Stimulus Switching Unit (SSU)
Helps improve performance during electrocautery
Provides automatic electronic method of switching electrodes
Immediate viewing of EEG on stimulated electrodes
These amplifiers are still available in 16, 32 and 64 channel options (with option to combine to 128)
Article info
  • Views: 1130
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:34
21-03-2016, 11:34

DMS CardioScan V11

Category: custom

DMS CardioScan V11
Article info
  • Views: 1603
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:32
21-03-2016, 11:32

HoneyWell WinMag Plus Hardlock Dongle

Category: custom

HoneyWell WinMag Plus Hardlock Dongle
Article info
  • Views: 1284
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:29
21-03-2016, 11:29

PolyPattern V7 Sentinel DOngle

Category: Cad Cam

PolyPattern V7  Sentinel DOngle