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  • Views: 1254
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:53
15-08-2016, 08:53

Z.Bavelloni SC-Edit Software V4 Hardlock Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

Z.Bavelloni SC-Edit Software V4 Hardlock Dongle
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  • Views: 1601
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:51
15-08-2016, 08:51

Taglio Magic Tool V20 ( Hardlock Dongle + License )

Category: Cad Cam

Taglio Magic Tool V20 ( Hardlock Dongle + License )


MagicTool is a specially designed CAD/CAM solution that automates cutting machine programming such as and water jet.

It is the result of over 30 years of Taglio experience in close collaboration with cnc machine manufacturers and users.

MagicTool fully adapts to the technology of each different machine as well as the customer’s programming and management needs.

This system provides a perfect combination of automatic, semi-automatic, and manual nesting, which provides great flexibility and optimum performance.

The combination of automatic nesting, along with manual nesting functions like copy, moving, and rotating, proves to be a very powerful tool.

MagicTool automatic nesting optimizes part arrangement on the plate for maximum utilization of parts and remnants. MagicTool automatically detects remnants in the database and allows users to prioritize their use prior to using a new sheet. The collision detection system avoids infeasible cutting plans.

Users can work with single slabs or working orders containing multiple slabs. A specific plug-in is helpful to read the work orders generated through Intarsio.

MagicTool allows tables to be configured via material/thickness to define separation between parts and lead-in/lead-outs for different types of contours and dependent on material/thickness and cutting quality.

It is possible to common cut between different parts or limit to pairs of parts with micro-joints and pre-cuts. The system detects any errors in the design and machining and is completely automated.

All MagicTool options are included in a single program. Within the same program environment, the user can: design or import a part, consult the plate database, execute cutting sequences, generate CNC programs, and calculate time and costs.
Water jet technology

MagicTool provides water jet technology tables for each machine, speed reduction in corners, special piercing, and multi-head management, all taking into account the unique characteristics of cutting with water jet technology.

The key benefits include automatic acceleration/deceleration programming, stack cutting capabilities, and an optimal use of consumables through pierce reduction.
Technical characteristics

MagicTool is designed to connect to external ERPs.

Other features of MagicTool Expert are:

Teamwork – the system can work autonomously or be installed as a part of a network. By using the floating license option, multiple users access the system.
Time and True Cost Calculations – MagicTool manages all the technology of the machine and calculates time and cost by piece and by sheet.
Parametrics Parts Library – The MagicTool has a wide library of parametric parts.
Open Database – The MagicTool database is open and enables the user to access it to find parts, manufacturing orders, plates, etc. by using criteria such as material, thickness, client, date, etc.
2D Design – Logotag is a highly efficient 2D CAD module especially created to design 2D plate parts. It includes functions for the automatic detection and correction on unclosed contours, shape recognition, geometry validation, and true-type font support.
Intelligent Import/Export – MagicTool may be linked to the major CAD systems on the market (DXF, DWG, DSTV, etc.) and may also use graphic files (JPEG, BMP, TIF, GIF, etc.).
Article info
  • Views: 793
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:48
15-08-2016, 08:48

Prism Printer Sentinel Dongle

Category: rip

Prism Printer Sentinel Dongle

Firmware version:
• Adds support for 2-color printing. Any color other than black will be printed with the spot color. Halftoning is disabled in this mode. Images using 2-color printing should have limited grayscale (solid graphics are preferred). The spot color areas of the image print first. An image may be created in CMY or RGB colorspace.
• Adds support for mono-color printing with a 2-color ribbon. When a two-color ribbon is installed, selecting Print Image in Mono-color works correctly.
• Improves Windows 2000 color images with this release of the new Level 3 driver for Win2K/XP.
• Removes the RLE compression enable/disable option from the user interface; intelligent RLE is always enabled.
• Improves rendering performance; the new Level 3 driver renders images up to 10% faster than the old Level 2 driver.
• Fixes a slow print problem with USB connections (in the Advanced tab under Rimage Perfect Image PF properties, uncheck the Enable Advanced Printing Options checkbox).
• Always masks both the Inside Dimension (ID) and the Outside Dimension (OD). Image Masking is no longer a document property. Advanced users may modify the bitmap mask file to create features such as watermarking the image.
Article info
  • Views: 748
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:42
15-08-2016, 08:42

Siemens RMS System Software

Category: custom

Siemens RMS System Software

The RMS system
The Siemens Remote Monitoring and Cont
rol system provides an easy to use and
highly reliable facility enabling the effi
cient monitoring and
management of a wide
range of “on street” equipment.
The advanced Windows
based Instation allows operator
s to appreciate the status
of all monitored equipment at a glance us
ing a fully user customisable map based
Equipment monitoring is performed by a
powerful 3U-sized Outstation Monitoring
and Control Unit (OMCU) t
hat can easily be fitted into most equipment housings.
Fault and status reporting is
via a PSTN or GSM network, allowing the most cost
effective communications infrastructure to be chosen on a site by site basis.
As well as monitoring applications the system
may be used for the remote control of
various equipment’s including Variable Me
ssage Signs. Direct interface to the
Siemens Sietag Reader also provides
an integrated bus and emergency vehicle
priority system, complete with detailed re
cording of travel times and events.
An additional option that can be provided
is the RMS DUSC (Dial Up Strategic
Control) system, which allows a series of
intersections to be controlled in a
synchronised manner. Strategic control is
implemented using the CLF (Cableless
Linking) principal, but with plans bei
ng prepared and downloaded from the Instation
and implemented in each OMCU.
As there is no need to hold the plans in the traffic
controller configuration, modification of
plan data, should the need arise, is very
simple. Realising the plans
within the OMCU rather than th
e controller also has the
added benefit of avoiding the pot
ential for inconsistent plan execution because of
different controller CLF implementations.
Another additional option that can be provi
ded is sieClass (Vehicle Classification),
which allows vehicle classification by length into a maximum of 14 user specified
categories. The vehicle classification info
rmation is stored locally at the OMCU and
periodically uploaded to the instation where graphing utilities are provided to analyse
the data.
Gemini based Graphos Graphical Variable Message Signs (GVMS) are also
compatible with the RMS Instation. This
allows the RMS Instation to be used to
configure and monitor GVMS operation.
Article info
  • Views: 1248
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:40
15-08-2016, 08:40

CSC Struds v12 ( Sentinel Dongle + License )

Category: Cad Cam

CSC Struds v12 ( Sentinel Dongle + License )

Design multi-storey and high rise concrete buildings quickly and easily.
Design all building components including slabs, beams, columns, shear walls and foundations.
Model, analyse & design steel components; beams, columns & trusses to ISO800:2007.
Apply a variety of loads like UDL, point loads and external moments to the model.
Perform seismic analysis as per IS:1893.
Create foundation designs including options for stepped footings.
Generate detailed CAD drawings, design schedules, BOQ and calculation reports.
Import and export building models with other structural software.
Article info
  • Views: 1390
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:39
15-08-2016, 08:39

PC-DMIS 2015 All Modules

Category: Cad Cam

PC-DMIS 2015 All Modules
PC-DMIS 2015 All Modules

PC-DMIS 2016 is the latest release of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence’s world-leading dimensional measurement software package for coordinate measuring machines (CMMs).

Experience better every day with PC-DMIS 2016 offering workflow improvements for faster measurement routine generation and enhanced measurement strategy algorithms to maximise confidence in the results.

Each enhancement offers maximum speed through your day-to-day tasks with compressed workflows while intelligent automation increases confidence in your final results. PC-DMIS 2016 assures increased productivity in your metrology operation while delivering maximum confidence for your data-driven manufacturing processes.

PC-DMIS is the world’s most widely-used measurement software, with over 60 000 seats in place worldwide. Its powerful capabilities enable users to measure everything from simple prismatic parts to the most complex aerospace and automotive components.

PC-DMIS leads the way in revolutionising measurement, pioneering technologies such as:

• Use of CAD models in the inspection process
• Directly linking CAD systems and measurement software through its Direct CAD Interface (DCI) technology
• Implementing a full set of sheet metal measurement routines tailored for the automotive industry
• Digitally simulating measurement in an offline virtual CMM environment
• Easily aligning complex contoured parts using breakthrough iterative alignment technology

PC-DMIS is standard equipment on all Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence measurement devices and is also available as a retrofit package for most other measurement equipment manufacturers, allowing users of non-Hexagon equipment to take advantage of PC-DMIS technology.

PC-DMIS comes in three basic configurations, Pro, CAD and CAD++, with optional modules available to fine-tune for specific needs. It is also available in an offline version for virtual programming.
Article info
  • Views: 864
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:34
15-08-2016, 08:34

Hintel Dental Software ( AstraCad ) Hardlock Dongle

Category: custom

Hintel Dental Software ( AstraCad )  Hardlock Dongle
Hintel Dental Software ( AstraCad )  Hardlock Dongle

Since a number of years, we successfully employ our great know-how in 3D data processing to develop specialized solutions for any problems the field of dental CAD/CAM systems to the benefit of our customers. Thanks to a large pool of 3D data structures and algorithms developed by ourselves, we can accomplish this very efficiently.

Since our foundation in 2001 we were working together with various developers of renowned dental CAD/CAM software systems, and among other things, had to solve the following tasks:
Conduction of feasibility studies for innovative approaches including literature research, comparison of algorithms, estimations of runtime and stability up to the development of a prototype as a basis for further discussions

Development of a complete software chain to calculate a top quality triangle mesh out of various 3D scans of an object (STL scanner, open system)

Development of concrete solutions, which were integrated as libraries in larger software packages, for example:

Detection and correction of preparation margins
Calculation of caps with given margin thickness
Anatomical reduction of crowns and pontics
Calculation of optimal insertion direction, visualisation and correction of undercut areas
Alignment of upper jaw and lower jaw using mushbite or vestibular scans
Fully automated, consecutive alignment of scans done by a handheld intraoral scanner

Präparationen Our modules can be delivered as a stand-alone application including visualization, as a software library for the integration into an existing system, or even as source code. Optionally, we grant exclusive rights for the developments to the customer.

By using parallel algorithms in combination with cache optimized memory access, the advantages of modern multi-core architectures will be fully utilized.

If desired, all methods can be implemented as 64-bit version which is especially useful for handling large mounds of data.

For detailed information about available software tools, see Modules.
Article info
  • Views: 1232
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:28
15-08-2016, 08:28

SCADA Engine BACnet OPC Server

Category: custom

SCADA Engine BACnet OPC Server

The SCADA Engine BACnet OPC Server is a server that provides data access (DA), Alarms and Events (AE), and Historical Data Access (HDA) between OPC clients and BACnet-compliant devices.

The Data Access (DA) server enables interchange of Data from a BACnet-compliant device to an OPC Client using the following operations:

BACnet Read Property
BACnet Read Multiple Properties
BACnet Write Property
BACnet Write Multiple Properties
Subscription to Change of Value (COV) Notification

Reading and writing to all BACnet properties is supported. This makes it possible to configure the On/Off times in BACnet Time Schedules and many other advanced BACnet features. A device discovery routine automates the creation of OPC Tags based on the BACnet Devices connected to the network. Configuration data is saved offline in a CSV file. There are no limits to the number of OPC Tags that can be created in the OPC Server it is restricted by the available memory and CPU of the computer.

The Alarm and Events (AE) server enables interchange of BACnet Alarms from a BACnet-compliant device to an OPC Client using the following operations:

BACnet Confirmed Event Notification
BACnet Unconfirmed Event Notification
BACnet Acknowledge Alarm

When a BACnet Alarm is received the AE server translates it into an OPC Alarm using the message text received from the BACnet Alarm. If an acknowledgement is required then the Alarm can be acknowledged from an OPC Client.
The Historical Data Access (HDA) server enables interchange of BACnet Trendlogs from a BACnet-complient device to an OPC Client using the following operations:

BACnet Read Range

OPC Clients can access the (HDA) server using the OPC standard. The trendlog data can be stored in an internal database, or in a Microsoft SQL Server database.


Three OPC Servers all in one (DA, AE and HDA)
Integrate BACnet data into OPC Complient SCADA workstations.
Read and Write to any BACnet Object and Property (including proprietary).
Converts BACnet Alarms to OPC Alarms.
Automatic upload of BACnet Trendlogs to OPC HDA Server.
Fully compatible with BACnet Time Schedules (read and write)
Explorer-style interface.
Includes BACnet device simulator.
BACnet auto discovery of devices and objects.
Savable CSV configuration files compatible with Microsoft Excel.
View the online tutorial.
Evaluation copy evalable for download.
Download the BACnet OPC Server User's manual

OPC Workstations

The following OPC Client software is compatible with the BACnet OPC Server.

ARC Informatique - PcVue

Wonderware Intouch

Iconics Genesis32

Intellution iFIX
BACnet BIBBs Supported

OPC Support

Data Access Specification 1.0 and 2.0
Event/Alarm Specification 1.0
Historical Data Access 1.2


Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Article info
  • Views: 1757
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:26
15-08-2016, 08:26


Category: custom


etta är vårt mest populära, och också det mest kompletta, programmet för att registrera och dokumentera enligt både den "gamla" standarden SS 455 12 01-38 eller den "nya" standarden SS 455 12 01 Utgåva 6.

Detta program kan levereras i alla tre typer av licenser: Singellicens, Objektslicens och Nätverkslicens, se här om licenstyper.

Det finns två extra moduler till detta program. Den första är ett tittare program och för det andra, finns det en modul för att hantera telefon anknytningar. Bägge dessa ingår i Objektslicensen.

För mer information ladda gärna hem vårat prospekt i PDF-format »
Article info
  • Views: 875
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:25
15-08-2016, 08:25

EPLAN Engineering Configuration Hardlock Dongle

Category: custom

EPLAN Engineering Configuration Hardlock Dongle

The use of EPLAN Engineering Configuration One (EEC One) is the first step on the road towards automation. In electrical and fluid engineering pre-defined standards such as circuit board elements or value sets are automatically collated into a wiring diagram based on Excel, thus simplifying machine design. In control cabinet and switchgear engineering, in EEC One combined with EPLAN Pro Panel, predefined 3D assembly layouts and more flexible control systems have reduced the time needed for the virtual configuration and assembly of mounting levels in control cabinets. Customers striving to standardise processes and data in engineering will benefit from this automation over the long term.
A solid foundation

The designer can already start with automation when the EPLAN Platform is used. In the CAE system project templates, partial circuits (macros) or reports can be structured. Once the standards such as value sets of a motor output or the terminals used have been defined, EEC One comes into play. Individually developed project standards can be combined in spreadsheet form via an MS Excel front-end. Selection is facilitated by the integrated macro preview, which displays variants comfortably. The selected macros can be integrated in the spreadsheet by dragging-and-dropping. Decisive practical advantage: The macros automatically include their freely configurable parameters in the MS Excel front-end. Furthermore, extensive sets of rules can be created in MS Excel – thus avoiding the tedious work of entering the parameters manually. The design guidelines created in the process ensure maximum transparency and top quality in the schematics. Electrical or fluid schematics can thus be generated automatically at the click of a button. Companies profit three-fold from this automation strategy: Standards are created once in high quality; sets of rules secure the know-how centrally and automation of the documentation reduces the lead times considerably.
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