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  • Views: 1640
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 31-10-2016, 10:28
31-10-2016, 10:28

Bystronic Bysoft V7 5.0.2 Full Modul Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

Construct and calculate parts, create cutting plans and bending programs, plan and monitor manufacturing processes: Modern sheet metal manufacturing is no longer imaginable without powerful software like BySoft 7. BySoft 7 offers a comprehensive range of functions and is still easy to operate. This way, you maintain an overview, while completing jobs quickly, affordably, and reliably. BySoft 7 – Make it easy.
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  • Views: 1598
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 31-10-2016, 10:19
31-10-2016, 10:19

Hyperthermcam ProNest 2017 Full module Sentinel Hasp Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

ProNest is an industry leading CAD/CAM nesting software designed for advanced mechanized cutting. It provides a single solution for all of your profile cutting needs, including plasma, laser, waterjet, and oxyfuel. ProNest helps fabricators and manufacturers increase material savings, boost productivity, lower operating costs, and improve part quality by offering the highest level of cutting expertise.
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  • Views: 1254
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:53
15-08-2016, 08:53

Z.Bavelloni SC-Edit Software V4 Hardlock Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

Z.Bavelloni SC-Edit Software V4 Hardlock Dongle
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  • Views: 1601
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:51
15-08-2016, 08:51

Taglio Magic Tool V20 ( Hardlock Dongle + License )

Category: Cad Cam

Taglio Magic Tool V20 ( Hardlock Dongle + License )


MagicTool is a specially designed CAD/CAM solution that automates cutting machine programming such as and water jet.

It is the result of over 30 years of Taglio experience in close collaboration with cnc machine manufacturers and users.

MagicTool fully adapts to the technology of each different machine as well as the customer’s programming and management needs.

This system provides a perfect combination of automatic, semi-automatic, and manual nesting, which provides great flexibility and optimum performance.

The combination of automatic nesting, along with manual nesting functions like copy, moving, and rotating, proves to be a very powerful tool.

MagicTool automatic nesting optimizes part arrangement on the plate for maximum utilization of parts and remnants. MagicTool automatically detects remnants in the database and allows users to prioritize their use prior to using a new sheet. The collision detection system avoids infeasible cutting plans.

Users can work with single slabs or working orders containing multiple slabs. A specific plug-in is helpful to read the work orders generated through Intarsio.

MagicTool allows tables to be configured via material/thickness to define separation between parts and lead-in/lead-outs for different types of contours and dependent on material/thickness and cutting quality.

It is possible to common cut between different parts or limit to pairs of parts with micro-joints and pre-cuts. The system detects any errors in the design and machining and is completely automated.

All MagicTool options are included in a single program. Within the same program environment, the user can: design or import a part, consult the plate database, execute cutting sequences, generate CNC programs, and calculate time and costs.
Water jet technology

MagicTool provides water jet technology tables for each machine, speed reduction in corners, special piercing, and multi-head management, all taking into account the unique characteristics of cutting with water jet technology.

The key benefits include automatic acceleration/deceleration programming, stack cutting capabilities, and an optimal use of consumables through pierce reduction.
Technical characteristics

MagicTool is designed to connect to external ERPs.

Other features of MagicTool Expert are:

Teamwork – the system can work autonomously or be installed as a part of a network. By using the floating license option, multiple users access the system.
Time and True Cost Calculations – MagicTool manages all the technology of the machine and calculates time and cost by piece and by sheet.
Parametrics Parts Library – The MagicTool has a wide library of parametric parts.
Open Database – The MagicTool database is open and enables the user to access it to find parts, manufacturing orders, plates, etc. by using criteria such as material, thickness, client, date, etc.
2D Design – Logotag is a highly efficient 2D CAD module especially created to design 2D plate parts. It includes functions for the automatic detection and correction on unclosed contours, shape recognition, geometry validation, and true-type font support.
Intelligent Import/Export – MagicTool may be linked to the major CAD systems on the market (DXF, DWG, DSTV, etc.) and may also use graphic files (JPEG, BMP, TIF, GIF, etc.).
Article info
  • Views: 1248
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:40
15-08-2016, 08:40

CSC Struds v12 ( Sentinel Dongle + License )

Category: Cad Cam

CSC Struds v12 ( Sentinel Dongle + License )

Design multi-storey and high rise concrete buildings quickly and easily.
Design all building components including slabs, beams, columns, shear walls and foundations.
Model, analyse & design steel components; beams, columns & trusses to ISO800:2007.
Apply a variety of loads like UDL, point loads and external moments to the model.
Perform seismic analysis as per IS:1893.
Create foundation designs including options for stepped footings.
Generate detailed CAD drawings, design schedules, BOQ and calculation reports.
Import and export building models with other structural software.
Article info
  • Views: 1390
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:39
15-08-2016, 08:39

PC-DMIS 2015 All Modules

Category: Cad Cam

PC-DMIS 2015 All Modules
PC-DMIS 2015 All Modules

PC-DMIS 2016 is the latest release of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence’s world-leading dimensional measurement software package for coordinate measuring machines (CMMs).

Experience better every day with PC-DMIS 2016 offering workflow improvements for faster measurement routine generation and enhanced measurement strategy algorithms to maximise confidence in the results.

Each enhancement offers maximum speed through your day-to-day tasks with compressed workflows while intelligent automation increases confidence in your final results. PC-DMIS 2016 assures increased productivity in your metrology operation while delivering maximum confidence for your data-driven manufacturing processes.

PC-DMIS is the world’s most widely-used measurement software, with over 60 000 seats in place worldwide. Its powerful capabilities enable users to measure everything from simple prismatic parts to the most complex aerospace and automotive components.

PC-DMIS leads the way in revolutionising measurement, pioneering technologies such as:

• Use of CAD models in the inspection process
• Directly linking CAD systems and measurement software through its Direct CAD Interface (DCI) technology
• Implementing a full set of sheet metal measurement routines tailored for the automotive industry
• Digitally simulating measurement in an offline virtual CMM environment
• Easily aligning complex contoured parts using breakthrough iterative alignment technology

PC-DMIS is standard equipment on all Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence measurement devices and is also available as a retrofit package for most other measurement equipment manufacturers, allowing users of non-Hexagon equipment to take advantage of PC-DMIS technology.

PC-DMIS comes in three basic configurations, Pro, CAD and CAD++, with optional modules available to fine-tune for specific needs. It is also available in an offline version for virtual programming.
Article info
  • Views: 1104
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 15-08-2016, 08:17
15-08-2016, 08:17

AX3000 2014

Category: Cad Cam

AX3000 2014

AX3000 Allplan, AutoCad, Revit ve BricsCad platformlarında kullanabileceğiniz entegre bir çözümdür.
Bina Mekanik Tesisatı ile ilgili tüm ihtiyaçlarınız Tek Yazılımda

AX3000, Sıhhi Tesisat, Isıtma, Havalandırma, Soğutma ve Elektrik Tesisatı ile ilgili tüm hesap ve planlama ihtiyacınız için zaman kazandıran entegre bir çözümdür.
Tümleşik kullanımı, akıllı çizim elemanları ve çok seçenekli otomatik hesaplama imkanları sayesinde planlama zamanınızı en verimli şekilde kullanmanızı sağlar.
AX3000’in Bina Tesisatı çözümünde lider konuma gelmesi CAD pazarındaki 25 yıllık deneyimin sonucudur.
AX3000 Mekanik ve Elektrik Tesisatı ile ilgili ihtiyaçlarınız için
geliştirilmiş ilk CAD yazılımıdır ve işinizde projelendirmeden konstrüksiyona ve uygulamaya kadar tüm ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılar.
AX3000’deki modüler yapı sayesinde Sıhhi Tesisat , Isıtma, Havalandırma ve Elektrik tesisatı için çok seçenekli özel çözümler üretebilirsiniz.

Siz bir kere yazılımda çalışmaya başlayın, tümleşik kullanım sayesinde ileri safhalara kolayca geleceksiniz.

Sıhhi Tesisat ve Isıtma:

AX3000’ deki Sıhhi Tesisat ve Istma modülleriyle çok karmaşık ve büyük projelerin tesisat hesap ve planlamasını kolaylıkla yapabilirsiniz.
AX3000’ deki planlamanın temeli otomatik borulama hesabına dayanır ve şartnameye bağlı olarak otomatik kritik devreyi hesaplamasını gerçekleşir.
sırasında AX3000 bir çok farklı otomatik teknik özellikleri de kullanır.

Havalandırma Modülü tesisatınızın detaylı Montaj ve Uygulama planlarını kolaylıkl oluşturmanıza yarayan bir araçtır.
Çap girişi, hacim miktarı veya Direnç(R)-Değerini kullanarak seçenekli boyutlandırma imkanı sunar.
Tesisat sistemi için gerekli tüm veriler otomatik kaydedildiği için her an geri çağırıp değiştirme imkanı mevcuttur.

Soğutma Modülü:
Soğutma Yükü Hesabı modülü EN 13790 Basit Saatlik Hesaplama Yöntemine göre çalışır, BEP Yönetmeliğindeki Türkiye illerinin saatlik iklim verilerini kullanır.

Sprinkler Modülü:
TS ve DIN Standartına göre çizim ve hesabı, konstrüksiyonu ve raporların elde edilmesi imkanı sağlar.


Elektrik Modülü size karmaşık elektrik tesisatı ihtiyaçlarınız ile ilgili hızlı planlama ve hesaplama
imkanı sunar.
Ayrıca otomatik olarak oluşturulmuş akım devresi ve bağlantılı akım devre listesi, kablo ve yapı elemanları ile sistemdeki kablo hat hesabını elde edersiniz.

Bina Simülasyonu:

Bu modül dinamik Bina Simülasyonu oluşturmanıza yarayan bir yazılımdır.
Article info
  • Views: 1913
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:43
21-03-2016, 11:43

MCOSMOS 3.3 Wibu Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

MCOSMOS 3.3  Wibu Dongle

MCOSMOS CMM Software Suite

Mitutoyo’s MCOSMOS modular suite of CMM software is available in three versions to meet the simplest to the most complex measurement and analysis needs in an economical way. MCOSMOS1 contains the modules needed for handling basic measurement and part-program creation while offering powerful gear analysis options. MCOSMOS2 extends the capabilities to online/offline part-program creation directly from a CAD model, and MCOSMOS3 further extends geometry handling to freeform surfaces, with an aerofoil option if required.

Modules can be added to MCOSMOS1/2 at any time to extend the class of work handling as needed, thus ensuring your investment in software is limited to only those capabilities actually required at any one time.
Article info
  • Views: 1284
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:29
21-03-2016, 11:29

PolyPattern V7 Sentinel DOngle

Category: Cad Cam

PolyPattern V7  Sentinel DOngle
Article info
  • Views: 2425
  • Author: vipsoft
  • Date: 21-03-2016, 11:11
21-03-2016, 11:11

CncKad Metalix V15 Sentinel Hasp Dongle

Category: Cad Cam

CncKad Metalix V15 Sentinel Hasp Dongle